If Kyouko asks Mouko about the Quiz, Mouko says she hates variety. Kyouko thinks that Kanae is sure to refuse this job.
Anyway, regardless of the choice, Kanae says she will accept it. Reason being Koenji challenged her in the afternoon. (You can tell their argument has more elegance than one of Kyouko and Shou's.) The truth is, she was having some regrets, and thinking of turning down this job.
A 4 way option again.
If she thinks about not being able to work together, she will encourage Mouko to take it. Kyouko then gets a rub in the head. How long has it been since she felt like this?

This is better choice.
If Kyouko thinks, "What would Tsuruga-san say?" She will suddenly blurt out, "A failure as a professional." This obviously pisses off Kanae. :P
Eventually, Mouko says she accept. She had done some research on this quiz. It wasn't just about brains, it was about brawn as well. It's not going to be a walk in the park. She asks Kyouko if she is ready for it, and she readily answers yes. Kyouko suggests wearing the pink overalls, but Kanae says she would rather die.
Anway, Mouko talks about the jobs. Since Shou went against his staff to pick Kyouko, Mouko asks if there is any possible chance he missed her. Kyouko says none, and her situation was similar to Mouko's and Koenji's. There was definitely no love between them.
Anyway, they will have to prepare for the piglets again later.
Okay, here's something I have to say again. Like I said, this is the worst job. It's nothing related to acting and performance at that. And everyone knows variety shows are for the amusement of the viewers. The only reason Kyouko should ever have to partake in this is because of Mouko.
Anyway, after this, she meets Yashiro.
Yashiro asks who was she waiting for, she replies she was waiting for Mouko. Yashiro then talks about Ren's job, how he was really looking forward to working with Kyouko. Shock and horror!
Yashiro also finds out that Fuwa's job is among one of the choices. "What a fate" he comments. "It's not fate! It's a curse!"
Kyouko says she wishes to take all if she could, but that doesn't seem to be possible. Anyway, here comes another question on the jobs. You guessed it, another 4 way option. The question is actually which job does she think is the most challenging.
If she answers Ren's job, Yashiro says Ren will be happy. Kyouko is confused, but Yashiro explains that Kyouko will get more fired up the more difficult the task is. The best way to get closer to Ren's level is to work with him. Yashiro also asks Kyouko what is her motivation for improving her acting. The answer is obviously not because of Shou.
If she answers it is the numerous problems that come with Shou's job, she will also tell him that Shou went against his staff to pick her. Yashiro is surprised. Kyouko says she doesn't know what Shou's intentions are, but Yashiro already figured it out apparently. Yashiro says that Kyouko will get more fired up the more difficult the task is, so she doesn't have to worry.
Anyway, Yashiro had to go, so he leaves.
Kyouko meets up with Koenji. She taunts Kyouko. Kyouko called Koenji Kanae's stalker. She also says they won't lose to her. Koenji asks Kyouko, "Are you taking part or not?" A 2 way option. To say she's always on Mouko's side, or say she will appear.
Not much difference. Anyway, Kanae herself appears, and they start some exchange of choice words. Kanae shows a lot of faith in Kyouko. They left soon. Kyouko is glad that Kanae praised her.
It's time to clean the rooms of the piglets again. When they brought back the cleaning equipment, they realize that the piglets have escaped. They have to split up to search for them.
Kyouko bumps into Ren. She explains the problem and he offers to help immediately. Kyouko seems hesitant, so he asks will he be causing her problems. 2 way options, more or less the same.
Ren suggests rather than blind searching, it's best to set a trap and use food as bait. While setting the food, Kyouko loses her balance and almost falls down but Ren catches her. Ren asks if he can continue to hold her hand. She says he shouldn't treat her like a child. That wasn't what he meant. -_-
One piglet soon appears. They corner it from both sides. Kyouko tries to catch the piglet with a net, but she ends up catching Ren and the piglet, and herself inside the net. :p She couldn't even explain how she got inside herself. :P
That's one caught. Kyouko realizes that Ren's clothes got dirtied and panicked. She makes a big fuss about it, and tells him to take them off so she can clean them.
Then Shou shows up and asks Kyouko what is she doing talking about taking a guy's clothes off. :P
They both explain that they aren't doing anything indecent, but also state that this is not his concern. "Is that so?" Show indicates to her that there is another piglet by his feet, which surprises her. Kyouko tries to coax Gretel to her. "That big brother over there is scary. The big brother over here is nicer."
She imagined Gretel saying "I like the visual series one better!" Once again, this drags into another bickering of Shou making use of others.
Shou says, if she wants Gretel back, "Drop that guy's job and join my promo video!" Needless to say the job arguments had started again.
Shou points out this will solve the problem she has of deciding which job to take. Kyouko says, "That's none of your business." Shou says "My job is involved! It is my business!"
Ren says, "So you're saying, you can't persuade her without resorting to threats?" Shou protests, "I can't be happy about this! You're always throwing a wrench in my plans!" "Plans?" "Nothing to do with you! It's between me and her."
Kyouko can sense the scary rising anger in Ren, directed at Shou. Ren tells Shou clearly that Kyouko does not belong to him. Shou says Kyouko has always been his worshiper, just like this piglet now. That statement is painful to Kyouko. Ren says, "Must you always talk about the past? You're giving Kyouko problems again."
Ren comments that Shou could have mistaken her from someone else. Shou argues that will never happen, even if she has changed her whole hair.
Ren: "Anyway, you who do not work in the same place as Shou, shouldn't tell her what to do."
Shou: "Well then, you who work in the same place can?"
Ren: "No. That is her own decision to make."
Shou makes some comments about Ren taking care of his favorite junior, but Kyouko claims that she isn't his favorite junior. He says she still doesn't get it. Anyway, Shou says even though he doesn't work at LME, he is making an offer, so he is a client.
Mouko-san comes out to call her. (She too probably realize that everyone wants Kyouko.) She says they still have a job to do, so she has to drag her away. There is still one piglet left. Kyouko points out Gretel is at Shou's feet. Kanae asks why is it there. Kyouko answers Gretel likes Visual series. And if she wants it back, she will have to take his job. Kanae then uses fish sausage to bait the piglet and caught it.
The settled everything. Mouko says with that settled, it's time to discuss business now. She points out that Shou appears to be saying unpleasant things to Kyouko and Ren, which he denies immediately. Another 2 options about Shou, more or less the same.
Anyway, Kanae declares that they don't have to worry, Kyouko's job has been decided to be the quiz. She then whispers to Kyouko, that their job together as Love Me should come first, and she can't do it alone. Mouko-san actually pleads with Kyouko, which gets her very excited.
But Kyouko announces that this decision is still not hers alone. (Seems everyone wants a piece of her. :D )
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