Just as she closes her eyes, her cellphone rings. The "Unidentified" number, lets her know that it is Ren. She answers the phone. It is indeed Ren.
Kyouko: Tsuruga-san, what's the matter?
Ren: I was thinking, since the shoot ends tomorrow, we should wake up earlier so that we can go to Daruma Cape.
Kyouko: Are we going together?
Ren: If I leave you alone, you will go there by yourself.
It's almost unbelievable how he knows exactly what she was thinking. Just the thought of going together with him...
Kyouko: I can't. It is true that I want to go. But I'm really happy that you asked me for this.
Ren: Like I said, if you really want to go, then you shouldn't refuse.
Kyouko: But to trouble Tsuruga-san in the morning. And for such a personal reason too...
Ren: I said I wanted to see the place too, no?
Kyouko: Really? I guess you did. It's going to be a rare Daruma morning! I know you want to see it too!
Ren: That's right.
Ren: I want to see it too, dawn at Daruma Cape.
Kyouko: Yes. I'm a little scared to go alone, but I'll feel much safer with Tsuruga-san!
Ren: I don't know how much comfort that gives you. But we still must prepare for the cold.
Kyouko: Yes?
Ren: The morning will be cold. Make sure you prepare a thick coat or towel. I will be bringing one, so make sure you do so too.
Kyouko: Oh, I see.
Ren: So I'll see you at 5 am at the lobby.
Kyouko: Okay.
Ren: Goodnight then. I'll see you later.
Kyouko: Goodnight. Um, well...
Ren: What is it?
Kyouko: I still have some of the fireworks...
Ren: Then let's use the remaining ones together.
Kyouko: Really?
Ren: Of course. Goodnight again.
Kyouko: Yes! Goodnight.
As she hangs up, she clutches the phone close to her. When she said goodnight to him, she felt happy, but after it was over, she started feeling sad. This feeling, was it loneliness? The way she wanted to be closer to him, it was almost scary. It just doesn't feel right. She still doesn't understand the true meaning behind her feelings. Maybe she's just thinking too much?
Is she feeling this way because she has been hurt before? Admitting to that felt shameful.
She goes to bed with a fuzzy feeling. She wonders, is Tsuruga-san going to bed too at this very moment? The thought of this makes her face warm. She really must be......
Morning came. Kyouko had hardly slept, because of those fuzzy feelings. In any case, she is already here at the lobby to meet Tsuruga-san, and she brought everything she needed.
Ren came out to greet her, and he asks her if she had slept well. Kyouko looks at his face. He looks happy and well-rested. Doesn't look like he lost any sleep at all. Kyouko greets back and answers she slept well.
Kyouko says she's sorry for having him up this early. "Don't say that," he says. "I was the one who asked you, right? I'm the one asking Mogami-san out on a date."
D-d-d-d-d-date?! Did he just say "date"?
"You don't have to show such a shocked reaction..."
"Oh, I see. You are trying to help me improve my acting this way." What a way to find an excuse....
"So, is it okay to call it that?" Kyouko knows Ren is serious. Just thinking about it makes her blush. Yet, she still has doubts, thinking she will be hurt in the end.
"No, it's a date! It's definitely a date! 100% date!" She declares this with a burning spirit. Ren comments she didn't have to use such force. "S-sorry..." She feels embarrassed for suddenly changing her mind.
"Well then, shall we go on our date?" He invites her again. "Yes!" She finds herself instinctively answering and following again. No way she could refuse him. "This is our date. It's our private time," he adds. This makes her blush again. Ren just smiles at her.
They head outside. Dawn is not here yet. It is darker than she had imagined. The path ahead was only lit by their flashlights, making it difficult to walk. Kyouko comments that it was a good idea to have brought a flashlight. Ren agrees.
Kyouko tells Ren her heart was beating really fast last night. This gets his hopes up a bit. She says its because it felt somewhat like she was going out on an adventure. Ren says it's going to be a great day. Kyouko agrees. The truth is, she had some other reasons why she had felt excited. But she dared not ask herself why. She drifts off again. "Mogami-san?" "Yipe!" Ren comments that since just now, she had been acting kind of nervous. "Don't tell me, you still think that I'm angry?" "No, I'm just a little excited, that's all."
"Excited? Is it because of me?" What a direct question! "Ah, n-no, i-it's not that." Kyouko feels being put into a spot here, and has to change the subject somehow. Kyouko starts to talk about that earlier incident when he was surrounded by friends. He doesn't even seem fazed by it. That sort of thing must have been an everyday situation. Kyouko recalls that time when they were trying to escape from fans on a bike. She goes silent again. There is no denying it this time. What she feels, it is definitely jealousy.
"Mogami-san, are you alright? Your face seems so red." What?! How could he possibly notice such details? "I was just thinking about stuff, that's all!"
Ren: To be thinking about stuff that makes your face red, don't tell me...
Kyouko: NO! That's not it! That's not it at all!
Ren: You're being a little too defensive now.
Kyouko: That's not it. It's just that, at that time, you were particularly kind towards one of your fans.
Ren: Eh?
Kyouko: I know it's embarrassing to feel so. After all, you are a celebrity with so many fans.
Ren: Don't tell me, you're jealous?
KABOOM! It's a home-run. She now feels like a fish in a barrel. "Your expression is showing like I'm bullying you." Kyouko replies, "I'm okay! Instead of saying jealousy, it's more like a child's possessive feelings, that's all. Please don't mind it." "I see," that's all he says, again with an expressionless face. He seems to be indifferent to it. Kyouko wonders if she is the only one feeling this way. Will he never respond to her at all?
Then she wakes up. Why am I thinking about such things? She follows him behind quickly. She knows that Ren isn't angry (anger sensor), but yet she can't tell how he feels. Since he said it was a date, he shouldn't be going so far ahead of her. She tugs Ren's jacket sleeve. "I was moving so fast. I'm sorry. It was a date after all..." "Y..Yes! You should be." Kyouko says, taking this opportunity to chide him.
"Well then, shall we walk hand-in-hand?"
"Well, the weather is cold. We should walk closer together because of the wind." Ren says, extending his elbow.
Kyouko is hesitant. "Well, the wind isn't blowing, so..." The moment she says this, a strong gust blows by. Silently, after seeing his smile, she held his arm. "How warm..." Kyouko makes some cute remarks about how Ren replaces a warm bath. Ren says it's the same case for him too.
Walking together like this, Kyouko silently admits they must look like lovers. Tsuruga-san, is he this kind to the one he loves? Thinking about this pains her, and she doesn't want to think about it any more. She knows her thoughts get too wild sometimes.
"Mogami-san, what's wrong? Is your face feeling cold?" "N..no, it's not that." Ren holds both of his hands to her cheeks. "Tsu-tsuruga-san?" "Does this help to warm you up?" Ren asks. His touch was comforting. But his face was close. Too close. Really close. As happy as she was, it was beyond her acceptance limit. Looking at his face, she felt her heart may be stolen any time.
Kyouko says she's okay now and suggests they continue. At this rate, they'll never get to Daruma Cape. "Well then, let's continue walking together again." She felt herself instinctively holding Ren's hand again, like it was a natural thing.
They reached the place. Ren had brought her to the peak of the cape.
"It's still very dark," Kyouko commented. "Watch your steps. It's dark, don't stray too far," Ren warns her.
Kyouko's heart kept pounding the whole time she was with him. Dawn is approaching. Ren checked his cellphone for the time. They decided to stay there and wait. Kyouko stares at Ren's face under the dim lamp lights, the scene reminding her of somewhere from a distant dream. She tries to control her thoughts.

Ren puts his hand on Kyouko's shoulder and holds her close.
Ren: This way, you won't feel cold.
Kyouko: I see...
Ren: I'm glad I came here today.
Kyouko: I'm glad I cam too. With Tsuruga-san...
Ren: I'm glad I finally have the courage.
Kyouko: Courage? About Tsuruga-san? I could never refuse a request from Tsuruga-san. You're my senior after all.
Ren: That would be bad for me. It's like I've forced you to come here.
Kyouko: That's not true. I never hated Tsuruga-san asking me out.
Ren: That's good to hear. We wait for the sunrise here.
Kyouko: Eeh?! But nobody knows we're here! And we don't know how much time we have left, so...
Ren: I'll call them and inform them, don't worry.
Kyouko: I see... are we really going to stay here and wait for the sunrise?

Her question causes Ren's face to turn red and look away. "It's no big deal, really. I woke up early and had a can of coffee." Kyouko feels her heart escalating.
"When it's about you, I always find myself acting like a child, losing my composure, behaving badly to get what I want." Ren admits. What Ren said made her really happy. Beyond words. She says she never expected him to say something like that.
Ren finally admits, he was jealous over her. Ehhh?! He's jealous? Kyouko comments that she will really be scared if Ren is indeed jealous. Ren asks "Why is that so?"
"Because there is no man around me to be jealous of."
"Really? It didn't seem so to me..."
"It's true! There is no such person. We are all actors."
"Well that's true... Speaking of which, it was the same feeling Mogami-san had about the fan..."
"Please forget about it. It is not something which actors should be having..."
"I certainly do have those feelings."
"Tsuruga-san too?"
"Is it that strange for me to be feeling jealous?"
"No, it's not that.... I just didn't think Tsuruga-san would have a love interest..."
"So, I see.... I've been fighting a losing battle after all..."
Kyouko starts feeling pain again. A long time ago, Ren had already mentioned that he liked someone. She had almost forgotten about it. She starts to wonder if she is in a bad position to be, so she steps away.
"I.... I am a little envious.... this person Tsuruga-san is thinking off..."
As they continued talking, she has already stepped further away. He looked like he wanted to say something, but didn't.
"Cold..." Kyouko feels the cold running through he body.
"Well, looks like this towel came in handy after all."
"Yes, it is."
"Come, sit here. It will be sunrise soon." Ren covers her with the towel.
While Kyouko is seated, she opened the purse containing Corn again.
"Ah, you brought Corn with you," Ren comments. "Yes, I wanted Corn to see the sunrise too," she replies.
"Well this is awkward... it feels like a third party watching over our date...."
"Eh? But I had thought that it would be great for Tsuruga-san to see it too."
"Yes. When the morning light meets will corn, a dazzling aurora will show! I didn't want to see it alone, that's why I really wanted to see it with Tsuruga-san."
"this really makes me happy..."
"I'm happy too!"
Out of the blue, Ren asked her an honest question. "Mogami-san, do you like Corn a lot?"
"Yes I do..... But, it is different from falling in love..." she answers.
At that time, all she could think of was Shoutarou. It's a painful memory that hurts just to even think about it. She tries to seal those memories of Shoutaro away. "Furthermore, I have already decided never to fall in love again.
"Is it because of that guy?"
Kyouko is very clear who Ren is referring to. He didn't seem to like it when she speaks about him.
"I'm not blaming you."
"I see..."
Ren certainly does not seem angry at all. But this actually makes her feel darker inside.
Ren says, "In fact I have someone that I feel that I am truly in love with. Yet I cannot say it out." Ren's words shake her up inside even more than the coldness of the air.
"Why is that so?" Kyouko asks. Ren simply stands up, as if he did not hear her. Whatever is causing Tsuruga-san pain, she wants to know. He must have been suffering, yet she had no idea. Still, she wanted to be a part of it. Was it a form of possessiveness? It hurts inside....
"Mogami-san, there's still a lot about me that I have never told you..."
"You can start telling me now."
"I can't.... I don't have the courage to say it out. I could never bear it if Mogami-san hates me because of what I say."
"I won't hate you! No matter what it is.... I could never hate Tsuruga-san." She had almost lost him, there is no way she would let that happen again.
Ren is still a little hesitant, but Kyouko promises not to judge him no matter what it is.
"That's right. Please tell me."
"I am a man, who has lost the right to be happy...." His expression and his voice carries the weight of a deep wound.
"Please go on." Kyouko is actually more apprehensive, feeling nervous what he has to say. But she has already made up her mind to listen to her story, and she has long decided that he could never be a bad person. Of this, she is certain. She had to hear it.
It is a brief instance, but she noticed that Ren shook. It was not from the cold, it was as though he was afraid of what he wanted to say. Whatever it was that scared him, she wants to protect him from it. Kyouko knows very well it is presumptuous of her to be even thinking so, yet she couldn't help herself.
"Tsuruga-san will become happy! Tsuruga-san is not someone who lost he right to be happy."
"I'm not. If Tsuruga-san hadn't given me courage, I could never have come this far." Despite her efforts at trying to cheer him, she is the one feeling like crying now. Her head hangs low.
"Mogami-san." Ren puts his hand on her back, startling her a little.
"I must look like a fool right now. I thought of wanting to protect Tsuruga-san. I am always getting your support, but when it is my turn to give... But even so, right now I feel I have to protect Tsuruga-san no matter what. But as usual, I can do nothing right... So regretful..."
Ren's gentle touch was really comforting.
Ren: I never wanted, or hoped for someone to love...
Kyouko: Tsuruga-san....
Ren: And yet, I just can't stop the feelings I have for her... Mogami-san, the one I love is you. So you don't have to feel regretful. I have always been saved by you. Even now, you've made me happy, to the point it's almost unbearable.
Is this a confession? To me? Tsuruga-san says that he loves me? Kyouko can feel her whole face turning red, all the way up to her ears, where she can't hide it even if she wanted to.
Happiness. That was the only way to describe how she is feeling now. A surge of happiness that can't be stopped.
I am loved by Tsuruga-san. To the point where it is unbearable. I, can no longer suppress my own feelings too...
"Mogami-san? You didn't hear me? Shall I repeat that one more time?"
"You don't have to. I feel the same way too. I love Tsuruga-san, and I can't stop these feelings that I have."
"Then don't stop them."
It's okay, right? To feel this way? To let it be? It's all right to love Tsuruga-san. Aaah, what should I do? Even though this cold is hitting me, I feel warm inside, as if I am floating.
Ren puts a hand over Kyouko's shoulders and brings his face closer to hers.
Kyouko yet again fills her self with doubt. He loves a person like me? Suddenly, I really want to believe it. I just couldn't believe it. It's so unbelievable, yet I want to believe it so much...
Such enchanting lips...
As if floating towards me....
... I want to touch them....
... I want to kiss them....
Te!! WHAT?!?!
W...What am I thinking?!
Kyouko felt her her heart pounding so fast, it could explode if it pounded any faster.
ReplyDeleteHere I was about to run off to bed (it's almost 3am here) and you post an update!
SOOO WORTH STAYING UP THIS LATE! (I finished yet another chapter of Playing With Fire. I couldn't leave it where it was, though lots may think where it's at now is even worse!)
It's rather sweet really. An early morning 'date'. ^_^
I've always preferred sunrises over sunsets anyway.
I want to see Sho's face when he find out what's happen between Ren & Kyouko ;>
ReplyDeleteand thanks for the updates I loved them :)
heheh...ren reads her mind:)
ReplyDeletethey are sooo sweet..i can't wait for the kiss..heheh
thanks mechgouki ;) ur updates will keep me alive until december!!!
also thanks to spherrow for act 14 playing with fire..
Ooooh, it's about to get gooooood. Can't wait! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHi, remember to identify yourselves, thanks.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update!
ReplyDeleteI almost when to sleep as well,but then i check ur blog and there was and update,now i don't feel like sleeping all of a sudden.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update,ur great.
yay! thanks for the update!
ReplyDeleteren is so bold in the game.... its weird... good, but weird.... >.< the kiss is coming.... i cant wait! -^.^-
i'm being totaly off topic here but i was wondering if any of you knows a video of a japanese band that has a similar story with "prisoner" of sho fuwa??? the story of the 2 angels and the devil..it's such a beautiful story which nakamura invented but still...did someone actally used it for their video?? it would be awsome if it really existed!!
ReplyDeletesorry for posting here..but i didn't really know where should i ask about this..
Oh, wow, another update! Arigatou gozaimasu!
ReplyDelete- traiwild
mmm...I love coming home to an update...great update too, I want the game...haha...actually, I've been wanting it since I started reading the summaries... thanks for the update!
Thank you! ^.^
ReplyDeleteSigh... Ren's Good Ending ka?
A romantic walk at sunrise..... <3
I hope that will help her develope up her chara!
Thanks for the update, Mechgouki-kun.. awesome one as always...
ReplyDeletewoo hoo! update! YAY!
ReplyDeleteand spherrow writes incredibly addictive "smut". :P
Mechgouki-San: Aarigatou gozaimasu...
ReplyDeleteKyaaa, story is soo Kawaaii...Ren sure knows Kyoko very well!!
Eagerly awaiting the next update *hint* *hint* ;)
thanks again for everything.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward for the rest:)
@ Marie - It's not smut!! ';..;'
ReplyDeleteOkay, so maybe it technically is. >.<
There is actual story to it though. I generaly consider 'smut' to be a story that's all about wham-bam-thank'you'mam.
I'm eagerly awaiting the next update of the PS2 story too! *hint hint too!* heeee
AAAAAAWWWWWW! That's such a cute date! And it came from him this time! KYAAA!
ReplyDeleteMmmm I really hope Ren is getting a bit bolder now and makes a move on Kyoko...
Thank you sooooo much Mechgouki-san! YOU'RE AWESOME!!! ^___^
Yay! Kyoko and Ren are going to be alone again!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the update! Can't wait for the next one....!!!! ;-)
-Lady Marmalade-
ReplyDelete-Aphrodite931 003
@ spherrow: I was just teasing. No harm meant. I just couldn't think of a different word at the time, and turned it into a tease. Emoticons don't express that very well... *does seza and begs forgiveness, with a little less grace than Kyouko.*
ReplyDeleteOMG! Can't wait 2 know wat happens next! Hehehhe
ReplyDeleteI can't wait what happend next to them.
ReplyDeleteThanks to you for the updates.
OMG! This is so sweet =D I have this gut feeling that they're about to kiss. Can't wait!!! =]
Eh, can't wait for another update :3
WHEEEEEE! update!!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see if Ren will actually make a move on Kyoko when they go to the beach again!
It's like a dream date and the conditions will be perfect for a bit of romance.... Awww! It makes me feel jealous of Kyoko!
Thanks Mechgouki-san! You're AWESOME!!!
OOOOH! I hope the kiss is finally coming! Come on Ren! You gotta tell Kyoko! ^___^
You made my day! Can't wait for the next update!
-Lady marmalade-
WOOT! Yay and thank you for the for the update. Hope everyone had a good Halloween.
Yay! Finally they get to date ^_^
ReplyDelete- Xen
morning from my side of the world...lol...thanks for updating...it's a nice thing to wake up to! ohhh, I'm anticipating the next part
Yay thanks again!
Kya~ ^////^
ReplyDeleteEven closer now!
I hope she'll realise it soon! >.<
yay! update.. thanks Mechgouki-kun
ReplyDeleteYay, thank you for another update!
ReplyDelete- traiwild
Thanks for update!
ReplyDeleteHi! I'm so sorry I haven't been online in forever... Everyone missed me, right? ^_^
ReplyDeleteAh, it's so weird to see them being so romantic together! In my opinion, it would take at least 160 chapters for that to happen realistically. But, still, the game sounds fun.
Once again, thank you for summarizing, mechgouki-san! Next, it'd be awesome if you please try for the Reino ending...or bad Shotaro ending...or whatever it is. Heheh, that oughta be fun! (But if you don't, I won't hate you unless you go for the Lory ending. O_o)
Small updates.
ReplyDeletethanks ^^
ReplyDeleteI like the small updates, but there are so few of them... I'm always hungry for more. It's almost as bad as waiting for the manga itself to come out noq D:
Thank you again for updating! Heehee, Kyoko is so funny! Even without pictures, I can imagine her reaction based on how I've gotten to know her through the manga.
ReplyDelete- traiwild
Yay! ^.^
ReplyDeleteDate <3
<-- Not very active here due to Skip Beat withdrawl
Skip Beat Withdrawl - A serieous condition when a person who has been reguarly reading skip beat missses their monthly dose of skip beat chapter.
Symptoms may include: Loss of activeness, dreaming about skip beat, going crazy
Yes I'm crazy and I know it!
kyaahhh!! date!!
ReplyDeletelol..now i'm going back into my post exam depression... >.<
yup.. she will be shocked alright..
ReplyDeleteKYAAAA! He said "DATE"!!!! Kyoko! Come on! Lighten up and be happy the sexiest man in Japan has asked you out on a date! I'm soooo jealous!
ReplyDeleteThanks Mechgouki! The update was short but it made my day. Cant wait for the next one!!!
-Lady Marmalade-
Ooooh! Ohhh! Oooooh! UPDATE!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Mechgouki-san! This update totally made my day. I had the crappiest day ever at work and the update was such a nice breath of fresh air!
I'm soooo excited about Kyoko's and Ren's date!
Looks like Ren is finally opening up a little...Hahahaha! And I could sooo picture Kyoko overreacting....as always...
can't wait for the next update!!!
Awww! Mechgouki-san! More updates pleeeeease!
ReplyDeleteOk ok ok I won't push it....I just can't wait to see what happens next...
I'm rooting for you Ren!!! I hope he finally makes a move on Kyoko. ^__^
-Little Lady-
"D-d-d-d-d-date?!" ...I think we all had that reaction...
ReplyDeleteThank you for the updates, mechgouki-san!
Thanks for the updates and I'm sorry for not responding more often. I really appreciate them! Thanks so much and I can't wait for the next one.
ReplyDelete-Aphrodite931 003
ReplyDeletefor the skip beat withdrawl.. i would include also serious thoughts about dying my hair orange!!! and dreaming about kissing ren!! ...ahhhhhhhhhhh...still one more month :(
ReplyDeletelol ^///o////^
Adding on to symptoms:
"Other symptoms might include an urge to dye your hair orange and dreaming about kissing Ren. Be warned that the symptoms may be different for different people."
And... we'll make it...
Did my eyes deseve me, did he say date???
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update. ^^
Small updates again, please be patient. Really sorry for the delays my exams are near again.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind the small update,but i think you should study more.Good luck on your test!Hope you ace it all.
ReplyDeleteEeeeeeeee~ Thanks for the update! Good luck on your exam! =)
ReplyDeleteAww ^///^
ReplyDeleteSo sweet!
Study Hard For Your Exam!
Thanks for the update....it was short but heart warming...! I could picture Kyoko's and Ren's coversation...
ReplyDelete"This is our date. It's our private time..."
AWWWW! I would love to hear those words myself coming from a hot guy like Ren! -melts-
Can't wait for the next update!!!!
Thanks for the update and good luck in your exams!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd come on Ren! you better make a move on Kyoko. This is the perfect time to do it!
-Lady Marmalade-
Yay! Thanks for another update!
ReplyDeleteJust another month until the next chapter comes out...
yeyyyy...thanks for the update!!
ReplyDeleteand most of all...good luck on your exams!!!!
thanks for the update! gl w/ ure exams!
Thank you very much for the update!
ReplyDelete- traiwild
Waaa!! I cannot wait anymore! I want it now!
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot!!
Thanks for the updates. I've been busy, so I haven't been able to comment lately. Sorry! Thank you so much! It's getting better and better.
ReplyDeleteI hope you did well in your exams...
Anyhow, thank you for the update!!! YAY!
can't wait to see what happens next in their date!!! -melts-
-Lady marmalade-
AW Kyoko and Ren look so cute! -sighs-
ReplyDeleteI'm curious to see what happens in their date...
Thank you very much Mechgouki-san! ^____^
Yay, thank you for the update!
ReplyDelete- traiwild
Thanks for the update.. Kyoko is funny
ReplyDeleteYay! Thanks for another update!
ReplyDeleteMechgouki san you freakin' rock!
'Child's possessive feelings'? Tch! Right! *cough* jealousy *cough*
That was funny! Thank you for the update. I'm enjoying your PS2 summaries. Can't wait for the next... ^____^
'child's possessive feelings'....Ha ha ha ha ha!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Ren likes it that she feels jealous about other girls being near him...
Thanks for the update Mechgouki-san! You made my day!
-Lady Marmalade-
hey mechgouki!
gd luck 4 ur exam!!!=3
^.^ An Update!
ReplyDeleteJealousy.... I hope at least Ren is understanding this better then she is..
Thank you. =)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update~,And i'm sorry for not visiting in awhile.
ReplyDeleteThanks for doing this for the English Skip Beat community, :) Any chance the rest of the ending will be out soon?
ReplyDeleteWhoa! I just now noticed this was updated! Thankee! =)
ReplyDeleteUwaaaaa! This is soooo much fun. Thx a lo0t for these updates, ur doing an fantastic job. Can't wait for the next one.
ReplyDeleteShade Shewolf
Whew! My exams are finally finished, and I completed paying all my outstanding school fees.
ReplyDeleteI apologise for making everyone wait this long. Thanks for your patience.
thanks for sharing (=
ReplyDeleteI bet you feel soooo much better now, mechgouki! Congrats on finishing your exams and such.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update. =)
Yay! An Update! ^.^
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your exams being done!
Sigh... I hope the new chapter will come soon...
->> Has been surviving on fanfics and stuff
-->> Not Sure If I can make it to dec 5
:3 A wind comes...
Ren can control wind!
lol jk just felt like saying that but you know how like things always happen at the right moment.
yay! an update! thanks!! okay, got to go study... >.<
Yay!! An Update!!!
ReplyDeleteThankyou soo much Mechgouki-San!
Havent heard from you in a loong time!!
Thanks for the update
ReplyDeleteWell if THAT wasn't a gentle shove by the cosmos in the right direction, I don't know what is!
ReplyDeleteIt's fate! ^o^
Thanks!!! I always check for updates more than twice a day! I really want to get the next part!! :)
ReplyDeleteAn update! YAY!!!
But the title says "Good Ending"
Thanks for the update!!! I love it! Please continue when you can! I'm so excited!!!
ReplyDelete-Aphrodite931 003
Oh! And I know that it is a luxery and probably a pain in the ass for you but if you could put in some pictures if they are available that is, that would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you for all your hard work!
ReplyDelete-Aphrodite931 003
The only pictures available, are the character sprites and the background.
ReplyDeleteWhoo, thank you for a new update! :D
ReplyDelete- traiwild
Thanks again for the update!
ReplyDeleteAHHHHH, Thanks for the update! Ahhh I can't wait to find out what happens next!
thankies for the update
Minor ups.
ReplyDelete! O.O
ReplyDelete"Ren holds both of his hands to her cheeks. "Tsu-tsuruga-san?"
Ah!!!!! Thanks for the update!
Please continue! ^//////^ >//////////<
another update! ^-^ thanks! ohhh...makes my heart flutter!
Mechie!!! You can be so cruel!
ReplyDeleteSuch a short update! *pulls hair out*
(Thank you! Give us more! :D)
hahahahha......i love the way ren n kyoko interact. They r just funny ^^
ReplyDeleteooooooohoooooo I'm getting excited. thankies!
ReplyDeleteYay, another update, such a gentle scene at this point, domo arigatou gozaimasu!
ReplyDelete- traiwild
Thank you for the update!
ReplyDeleteHah! That happened to me on my almost-first kiss! I was to nervous to actually allow him to kiss my when he was leaning in. >.< I was only 14 at the time... Or was it 15? Don't remember.
ReplyDeleteAwww, that's a shame about the pics but at least, thanks to you mechi, I get read about if I can't see it! ;p Thanks for the update! On a side note, you don't comment much yourself anymore, why is that?
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to find out how this ends!!! Please update ASAP! Thank you!
-Aphrodite931 003
so excited for the ending! thanks for the update!
This update makes me go AWWWWWWWW~ =D
ReplyDeleteSo good! But so Short!
At least we'll all survive until December! XD
I feel this like a torture... the worst part is that I like it hahaha (aniyeri)
ReplyDeleteanother 2 weeks till December?? it's torture.. I hope that at least it will be a longer chapter.. *wishful thinking*.. LOL.. well, PLEASE.. at least a normal lenght chapter, not the super short one..
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update.. Mechgouki-kun.. it's getting interesting
Thank you again for updating! Such a sweet atmosphere they've got there!
ReplyDelete- traiwild
Kyaaa!!!^^Thanks Mechgouki-san for updating!
ReplyDeleteThey're so cute together. Wish that kyoko realizes that she loves Tsuraga-san....
Sorry forget to signe up.
ReplyDeleteit was TInais.
No one has clicked my adds recently at all. :(
ReplyDeleteaaaaah, awesome, thank you, so, so much!!!
ReplyDeleteplz continue :D
You're doing a great job Mechgouki-san!!!Thanks for all your personal investiments and continue...
ReplyDeleteI'm so thankful and i just can't wait to read the rest of the chapter!!!!
I can't wait O.O I want to see the KISS ;___; I read the whole story today, I just couldn't stop.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for posting this! I'd really love to play it but I don't speak japanese, so this is really helpful! Thank you .
Ren & Kyouko *__*
Thanks for the update!
Approx. 11 Days Till Sanity Returns
Thank you soo much Mechgouki-San for the updates!!!
ReplyDeleteJust love the story!
Thankyou for your hard work....
Thanks to your blog, I am relatively sane or this month and a half wait would have made me crazy or rather crazier :P
Can't wait for the next chapter...~10days remaining....woohooo!!!
Awesome CG, thank you for another update!
ReplyDelete- traiwild
I can't wait to read the 2nd part of the ending! eeeee~ xD
ReplyDeleteupdate, yayy! thanks (as always) for doing this for us!
*looks at kissy pic at the top of the page*
ReplyDelete*thinks* that kinda looks like dawn....
eeeee I think we're getting cloooose~
Thanks mechgouki ^^
This is bad. I don't have any clicks on my ads. :(
ReplyDeleteYAY!!! A picture! Thank you for putting it up! I know you don't control which scenes you can post etc, but thanks for going through the trouble of adding this pic when you didn't have to! I can't wait for the next update! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
ReplyDelete-Aphrodite931 003
OmG OMG!!! thank you soo much please keep posting this also could you give me the link to th Ps2 game of skip beat please? thanks a bunch :)
ReplyDeleteHeehee, true, the 'cold' issue is addressed, but how nice that another sweet moment is another result. ;)
ReplyDeleteLol, thank you for another update!
- traiwild
Thanks for updating!
ReplyDeleteAAAAW! They're so cute together!
ReplyDeleteHe better take advantage of the date and steal a kiss from her! And I hope she doesn't freak out or something.
Thank you for the date Mechgouki-san! Can't wait for the next one!
-Lady Marmalade-
THANK YOU!!!! Mechgouki-san you're awesome!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely loved this update...can't wait for the next! ^.^
I don't get why her question would make Ren blush... We need more Mechie-chan!
(no, no I won't be satisfied until the path is complete! Heh)
Yay! another update.. thanks Mechgouki-kun... I had some issues with my modem recently.. it totally went out on me, had to go get new one. So, I was offline for few days... glad to see updates again.
ReplyDeleteOMGOMGOMG! I think I know why he would blush... This is just a guess though... Well, you know that picture of the kiss and the sunset and the railing... You know where I'm getting at righttt, lol. I think Ren's going to kiss herrrr, yay. I hope I right! Hurry up you big sun!
ReplyDeleteWOW! I thought I'd never see the day in which Ren would blush...I didn't even think that was possible...
Anyhow, now I'm going to be going nuts until I know what happens next...Update soon please!
What is Ren going to do next?!?!?!?!?!?
Thank you Mechgouki-san! That was great!
-Lady Marmalade-
OMG! Ren blushed! SOOOOO CUTE!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the update Mechgouki!
Can't wait for the next update!!!
Aw, go Kyoko with your making-Ren-blush power, lol! Thank you very much for the update!
ReplyDelete- traiwild
Yay!!! Update! Thank you! And yay! Pictures! Thanks so much! I can't wait to see what happens next!!! A kiss at sunrise!?! How cute!
ReplyDelete-Aphrodite931 003
a little off topic,but did anyone go to the
anime fest in s'pore???
i saw a girl dressed in the LOVE ME overalls!!!
i rushed there so i didnt get a chance to cosplay but oh well...=3
A Singapore Anime Fest? 0_0
oohh, this is gonna be good! thanks for the updates...its seriously keeping me alive...not too much of a wait left now!
How sweet, the romantic mood carries on, thank you for the update!
ReplyDelete- traiwild
So cute! thanks for updating =)
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome!! Thanks a lot mechgouki-san....
ReplyDeleteBut now just dying to read the next chappie's scanlations!!
Thank you for the update! I can't wait for the next one!
ReplyDeletethanks for the update.. Mechgouki-kun...
ReplyDeletebtw.. just in case you guys didn't know and haven't check the discussion in ch.148 scanlation in this forum... ch.149 is out...
some of our dear friends there has been sharing the links...
link for 149 raw http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZFC1U9CP
Anime Fest in Singapore?? too bad I'm not in Singapore currently.. would have loved to go and cosplay.. I went to Akon here in Texas this past June, and AniFest in Sept.. just missed Yulecon 2 weeks ago..
ReplyDeleteOh come on you two! No more small talk and confess to each other already!!!
"We are all actors" she says...excuses excuses!
Come on Ren! make your move already!
-Little Lady-
Ren jealous of Kyoko?! I can't believe he admitted it to her! -gasps and melts-
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see what happens next! Oh mechgouki san thank you sooo much! and keep up with the good work...
Ive become addicted to your PS2 summaries...
anime fest of asia ,actually.
ReplyDeletesaw it on the news after its first day,
rushed to it on the second day...too bad,i thought some1 like mechgouki would hav went...sigh~
i took a pic w/ tat girl...but the lighting there is super bad...T.T
saw the raws!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG!!!ren kissed her neck,or,the ear???
*frantic panic!!!*
*thinks abt it,does a happy dance*
that area is super sensitive,so that must hav given kyoko the chills!!!
im satified now!!!
*jumps around in joy*
thks shiroyuki-chan!!!! XDDDD
Ditto thx u Shiroyuki-chan for sharing the link to the 149 raws! juicy developements! Also, Mechgouki, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for the PS2 updates! You know, somehow I feel in the end of the manga story line (esp after skimming the raws and summary out there for 149), Kyoko really will end up with Ren in a similar fashion to what seems to be happening in the PS2 storyline: that is, I'm predicting a trend in a the manga of one thing or another will make Kyoko progressively, uncomfortably aware of her feelings for Ren and Ren will find situations for their relationship to develop. As for the mini summary of SB 149 I found, here's the link: http://web.pitas.com/tatsukida/
yay, new updates! (haven't been around here for a while, exams..) and thanks for these, even though they're small, i need them. makes my day every time i realize there's an update!
So when's the next update?
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Kyoko can make Ren blush again...He he he he
-Little Lady-
thank you so much for the work you
ReplyDeletedoing, it's really awsome
so please keep going with your work here
I can't wait what happend next
Oh withdrawals!!! >.<
ReplyDeleteWhen's the next update?!
*gets smacked behind the head by sister* All right All right! I'll be patient...
I just can't wait to see what Ren will do next!
^_____^ *sighs*
-Little Lady-
Great job!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for the next update!
(I really hope it will be soon)
-Scarlet Goddess-
ReplyDeleteomg omg omg whens the next one!!
i love you for taking the time to do this -crys-
Your doing a good deed -sniffs- -joys- <3
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!!!!! this is fantastic!!!! TT^TT im so glad kyoko feels this way!!!! *tears of joy* TT_TT
ReplyDeleteI really like it! I want the next one!!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for your next update! Please do it as soon as you can! Thank you!
ReplyDelete-Aphrodite931 003
Looking forward to updates!
ReplyDeleteThanks again for everything!
I only wish the actual manga had this kind of speed in the romance department as the game!
thanks for sharing =D
ReplyDeleteur great!
Thanks, looking forward to the next one :D
ReplyDeleteThis is great!
ReplyDeleteYou don´t know how happy you made me with this... there´s no way for me in Brazil to know anything about games in japanese!
So keep up and make people in Brazil happy! ^-^
Please continue with the updates! Looking forward to it!
ReplyDeletePlease Pleaaase update!
ReplyDeleteI'm so looking forward to it!
They're soo cute! I want to know what Ren says after that! :/] >//<
Go on please! I love your updates! And thanks for the early chapter x'D
nexxxxxxxtttttttttt parrrtttt
ReplyDeleteYay! At least not everyone has forgotten about this story! Please update soon mechi!
ReplyDelete-Aphrodite931 003
I haven't forgotten, just trying to be patient. Tis hard. ;_; =)
ReplyDelete(I never know how much is being patient, how much isn't saying enough, how much is being encouraging, how much is being irritating.)
Am I the only one that cannot wait more? T_T
ReplyDeleteTake ur time mechgouki-kun bt plz finish the story... ^^
ReplyDeleteMechgouki-san, thank you for your sharing :X:X:X
ReplyDeleteI love it so much.
Please continue more updates and finish Ren path, I really hope Kyoko gets along with Ren. SO please please please update
Minor updates
ReplyDeleteEven if it is minor, thank you for the update! I really need to know what will happen, because as it is, I really can't figure it out... What are they thinking? So confusing...
ReplyDeleteGleeee~ thank you thank you! =D =D
ReplyDeleteAt first I was a little confused too because I'm like, "Kyoko, why would Ren feel jealous over you and like someone ELSE?" But I guess it hasn't been explicitly spelled out for her that he is jealous about her. Just that he is jealous in general. I need to read back over it again in context. =)
Ok, it was explicitly spelled out for her after all, so Kyoko is just in complete denial again XD.
ReplyDeletedoes this mean you are going to finish the rest of the ren path ending soon?? :)
ReplyDeleteKyaaa~ Kya~ Kya~ Kya~
So sweet!!!!
o: -Looks up- Is this where the activity has been? o.O
Kyaaaa....Aarigatou!! Mechgouki-san!!!
ReplyDeleteI read the story after such a long time, had almost forgotten everything, so it was very good to read a more completed version.... yay!!
Ren has to spell out everything...Even though he is doing that Kyoko is just trying to gloss over everything...Poor Ren!
btw, have you removed the Ads???? I cant see them anymore and I tried IE, chrome and firefox...
ReplyDeletethanks! Mechgouki-sama kakoiii!!!!
awww, how sweet. makes me wanna go to the cape too. lol. thanks again!
ReplyDeletethank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteLove it love it :X:X:X
Poor Ren! She's so oblivious!
ReplyDeleteThank you! Thank you! Thank you, Mechgouki! How wonderful to find one of your fabulous updates after a long and grueling first week of Spring Semester! You really made my week! I hope all is well with you. =)
yeah! update thank you !
Oh, how long has it been since I last visited? Two weeks? Three weeks? GAH!! DO YOU GUYS STILL REMEMBER ME?!?!?! T_T
ReplyDeleteSorry, I've started going to college full time and moved into the dorms. Three of my courses are English based, so I've had to write A LOT. (But it's pretty fun.) I'll try visiting at least every two days.
Anyway, thank you for the update, mechgouki-san, but...this ending is starting to scare me. Dates, hand holding...God help us all! All this lovey-dovey stuff creeping me out. X_X
Hey, Singles Awareness Day (SAD) is coming up. I'm thinking I should pass out black roses. How are you guys planning to celebrate?
OMG!!! Thank you so much for updating! I'm sorry for the constant nagging but... it worked! YAY! THAKN YOU! I'm so happy right now! I can't wait for the next one! YES!
ReplyDelete-Aphrodite931 003
ReplyDeletethanks for the update Mehcgouki-san!
-Lady Marmalade-
Lady Marmalade, he's definitely rushing. Well, compared to the manga he is! ^_^
ReplyDeleteThank you mechgouki-kun.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes,I knew I was posting in the wrong thread all the people is here. I´m sorry for the long absence, I have splained long in the ch 151 thread. TODAIMA!
Pinkchan 001
Minor updates again.
ReplyDeleteEEEK!!! CORN and THIRD PARTY and....
Thanks a lot for the updates..even if they are minor they are still good...keep them coming :)
ReplyDeleteU r doing An Excellent Job.... :)
Hahaha I love it, Corn is the third wheel. XD Thanks sooo much for the update! =D It really helps especially when it's the month-long wait between chapters. I'll be glad when they finally just confess because they seem like they're really suffering. =P
ReplyDeleteYAY!!! ANOTHER UPDATE!!! YES!!! THANK YOU MECHI! You rock! ;) I'm so excited for the next update!
ReplyDelete-Aphrodite931 003
WOW.. an update.. thanks Mechgouki-kun.. things have been hectic I know.. I've been pretty busy too.. and ends up with not enough sleep myself
ReplyDeletethank you :X:X:X
ReplyDeleteYou saved my day yet again! (It's our exam period and I'm sick of it..) and when I come here there's already a new update! Thanks sooo much. :D
Please do update more about PS2 story!!! OMG I AM SO EXCITED. Please do!!!! But don't rush yourself till the point of breaking down just to rush these updates for us lil fans. We understand that you're busy!!!! :D Gambatte ne?